Sam Ruston

Find me @sam_ruston on Twitter

I'm a designer and developer from 📍Yorkshire, England focused on designing apps & websites that delight users. I'm a top developer on the Play Store and was given a Material Design award by Google.

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Notification superpowers

BuzzKill allows you to see the notifications you want to see when you want to see them and filter out those you don't. BuzzKill provides a set of actions you can trigger such as: dismissing, restoring, snoozing, auto-replying, cooldown & custom vibrations and many more.

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Unit Lab

Superfast unit converter

Organise your favourite units into tabs, add different units together and use a custom keyboard built for speed. It's a lean mean converting machine.

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Temporary app permissions

Bouncer changes Android's permission model to increase privacy without adding complicated behaviours and tools for the user. Without need to root, the user can benefit from a more secure experience that increases battery life.

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Weather Timeline

Award winning weather app

Yet another take on a weather app. It was picked for editor's choice and was one of the top weather apps on the Play Store, along with earning me a Material Design award.

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Flamingo for Twitter

Premium Twitter client

Flamingo was a premium alternative to the Twitter app with increased customisability and functionality and is often rated by top Android blogs as one of the best Twitter clients. It was unpublished in 2018 when it hit the maximum amount of users.


Intelligent dream journal

Luci is a lucid dreaming companion based around a dream journal. The aim was to provide a welcoming experience to lucid dreaming that provided functionality for experts whilst remaining inviting to beginners.

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Currency converter

CoinCalc was one of the first converters to embrace material design. It's a lean mean currency-converting machine with beautiful animations to boot. The arrows of the switch button even change with the colour of the currency.